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Teaching Experience

10/2015 – 07/2021  Teaching Assistant - Master Course: "Hedge Funds" 

                                Master of Wealth Management
                                Geneva Finance Research Institute, University of Geneva 


10/2016 – 01/2020  Lead English Instructor - SAQ Certification for Wealth Management
                                Swiss Finance Institute

                                All-Day In Person Teaching and Webinar Instruction of Private Bankers


09/2013 – 04/2014  Sessional Instructor - Undergraduate Course: “Introduction to Theoretical Models”

                                Instructor -  Graduate Seminar “Field Theory”      

                                University of Windsor, Department of Physics


2008-2013               Various engagements Tutoring

                                Ryerson University - Peer Support Program 

                                Tutoring undergraduate students on Academic Probation in all subjects.

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