2021 AFA/ASSA Conference Poster Session (On the Job Market)
Upcoming Poster Presentation at the AFA/ASSA Poster Session.
As well, officially participating in the Academic Finance Job Market 2020/2021!
The ASSA has announced that the 2021 ASSA meeting will be held online — a VIRTUAL 2021 AEA/ASSA Annual Meeting. As the AFA is a part of the ASSA meetings, we will be joining the virtual meetings to be held on January 3 – 5, 2021. Details for the virtual meetings are being worked out and we will be notifying authors, speakers, and participants as soon as we have specific information regarding the AFA portion of the meetings. Registration will open in September and the registration fee will be set to cover the costs of holding the virtual meeting. You can find more details at https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/.